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On the morning of 10th December, at HCMC University of Technology and Education, there was the opening ceremony of the external assessment activity according to the quality accreditation standards of the Southeast Asian University Network for 3 majors: Industrial Management, Mechanical Engineering Technology and Control and Automation Engineering. This was the 127th time that AUN organized an external evaluation of the educational program in accordance with the AUN-QA standard and was the 4th time held at HCMC University of Technology and Education. 

Assoc. Prof. Nantana Gajaseni - acting chairman of AUN - QA Council spoke at the opening ceremony of the 127th external assessment activity.

Attending the ceremony, on behalf of AUN, there were Assoc. Prof. Nantana Gajaseni - Acting Chairman of AUN Council together with the evaluation team of AUN experts from regional countries. On the side of other universities, there were representatives from HCMC University of Medicine and Pharmacy, University of Industry, Da Nang University of Technology and Education, Thu Dau Mot University. On the side of the university, there were Assoc. Prof. Ngo Van Thuyen - Chairman of the University Council, Assoc. Prof. Do Van Dung - The President of the University, Assoc. Prof. Le Hieu Giang – Vice-President, MA. Truong Thi Hien – Vice-President, Deans and Associate Deans of faculties, lecturers and representatives of students whose educational programs were evaluated in this ceremony. 

AUN (ASEAN University Network) was the leading university network of Southeast Asia (SA) established in November 1995.  Accordingly, AUN-QA (ASEAN University Network - Quality Assurance) was a set of standards. AUN Standards Set comprehensively evaluates training programs from many aspects such as output standards, curriculum frameworks, lecturers, facilities, quality assurance task, the connection between the university, students, and enterprises, v.v… were issued by AUN in 2004 to create a link and recognize the quality of mutual training among universities inside and outside the network. HCMC University of Technology and Education has been an associate member of this organization since 2014.

Previously, AUN held an external assessment and accredited for four training programs of the University of Technology and Education in Ho Chi Minh City, including: Electronics and Communication Engineering Technology (Faculty of Electronic – Electrical Engineering), Thermal Engineering Technology (Faculty of Vehicle and Energy Engineering), Machine Manufacturing Technology (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering), Environmental Engineering Technology (Faculty of Chemical and Food Engineering) in 2017 and 4 programs including: Electronic – Electrical Engineering Technology, Mechatronics Engineering Technology, Automotive Engineering Technology, Construction Engineering Technology in 2016.

Assoc. Prof. Do Van Dung - President of the University of Technology and Education in Ho Chi Minh City spoke at the ceremony.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Assoc. Prof. Do Van Dung - President of University of Technology and Education in Ho Chi Minh City - said that the school has constantly made efforts to build quality assurance standards for teaching programs. The university has always been a pioneer in applying modern methods in researching and teaching. During the past time, the group of lecturers and students has achieved many achievements worth being recognized as one of the most innovative universities. In parallel with researching, teaching, caring and improving tasks towards the learning environment for students have also been focused. The university always creates conditions to listen to students' opinions on social interacting networks. AUN - QA assessment activity was the standard for the university to further improve the quality in the near future, ensure the training of high-quality human resources in the region. 

Also at the opening ceremony, Assoc. Prof. Nantana Gajaseni - acting chairman of AUN - QA congratulated the 3 units whose programs were evaluated in this phase for their efforts in building and ensuring AUN-QA criteria press in the past time. According to her, ensuring the quality of training programs in accordance with AUN -QQA standards contributes to improving the quality of human resources in the region, ensuring the sustainable development of the society. 

The representatives of AUN - QA assessment team with the university board and the deans of three faculties whose training programs were evaluated. 

According to Assoc. Prof. Do Van Dung: "The university has developed a roadmap from 2016 to 2020 that will evaluate the entire university-level training program based on regional and international standards, including 17 training programs evaluated on AUN-QA standards and three training programs based on ABET assessment (Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology - quality and technology training program accreditation organization of the U.S)".

The external evaluation team consists of AUN experts who will work with the University Board, faculties and departments; visiting facilities; meeting lecturers, students, alumni, employers ... of 3 evaluated programs. The assessment session will last until 12/12/2018.

Assoc. Prof. Do Van Dung gave memorial medal to Mrs. Nantana Gajaseni
Generalized by Hoài Thanh
Photo: PMO
Translated by Anh Phuong

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