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In the evening of September 14th, 2023, Ms.Truong My Hoa – Former Secrectary of CPV Central Committee, Former Vice President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Chairwoman of the Vu A Dinh Scholarship Fund, Head of “For beloved Hoang Sa – Truong Sa” Club and task force have visited Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education (HCMUTE) in a business trip. 


Ms. Truong My Hoa in her work trip at HCMUTE

HCMUTE has honourably welcomed Ms. Truong My Hoa and a member of the task force, Mr. Dang Ngoc Tung – Former member of the Party Central Committee, Former Chairman of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, Vice Chairman of “For beloved Hoang Sa – Truong Sa” Club. On the HCMUTE side, the representatives have been Ms. Truong Thi Hien - Party Committee Secretary,Vice-President of HCMUTE; Mr. Le Hieu Giang – Deputy Party Committee Secretary, Vice-President of HCMUTE; Mr. Nguyen Huynh Thy Khoa, Vice President of Alumni Business Club; and managers from other Departments.

Mr. Le Hieu Giang – Deputy Party Committee Secretary, Vice-President – Acting President of HCMUTE - has given welcoming speech in a warm and friendly atmosphere and express the honour of HCMUTE being chosen as a destination of the official trip of Ms. Truong My Hoa and the task force. 



Ms. Truong My Hoa gave speech at the working session


In the working session, HCMUTE has made a decision to join the “For beloved Hoang Sa – Truong Sa” Club as a member and to accompany the Vu A Dinh Scholarship Fund in some activities. 

At the present, there are 07 students of HCMUTE that were sponsored by scholarships from the project “Uom mam tuong lai” (“Nurturing The Future”) for High school students and are received support from project “Ho tro sinh vien” (“College Students Support”) each year until their graduation. 

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