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In the morning of April 16, the Library of Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education organized the "The art of arranging books" competition in 2019 with the participation of 14 teams including officials and students.

The work from "Thương nhớ" team

Aiming at the Vietnamese Book Day and propaganda about promoting the role of books in life, the HCMC University of Technical Education Library has organized a series of activities "The 6th Vietnam Book Day - 2019" from the day 2 to April 26 with rich, impressive and creative innovations to raise the effectiveness of library's activities. The highlight of this event is that it attracted a huge number of competitors with officials and students.

 In the competition, groups had to prepare ideas and arrange books according to the self-selected model, ensuring a minimum of 60 books in a maximum time of 120 minutes. In addition, representatives of group presented the topic of the book model for the jury of the competition. With careful and elaborate preparation, the works have gradually been exposed to many interesting and meaningful topics: model of sailing boats, tank models, and etc.

The work from "Easy" team

When the competition finished, team ‘Thương nhớ’ from officials’ group and team ‘Easy’ from students’ group won with model “ Ho chi Minh president’s mausoleum” and logo of  Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education respectively.
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