Tác giả :
Achievements attained in 10 years: from 2007 to2017
1. Government
- 5 consecutive years from the academic year of 2006-2007 to 2015 – 2016, UTE was awarded the title of “Outstanding Collective Performance” bythe Ministry of Education and Training for the school years of2006-2007,2007-2008, 2008-2009, 2009-2010,  2010-2011, 2011 – 2012, 2012 – 2013, 2013 – 2014, 2015 – 2015, 2015 – 2016;
- Competitive flag of the Prime Minister: Decision No. 709/QĐ-TTgdated June 4th, 2008;
- Competitive flag of the Ministry of Education Training: Decision No. 5451/QĐ-BGDĐT dated August 24th, 2009;
- UTE was awarded the Prime Minister’s Certificate of Commendation for the academic year of 2010-2011 and many certificates of commendation of the Minister of Education and Training;
- UTE was awarded Second-class Independence Order (2012), Third-class Independence Order (2007), First-class Labor Order (2001), Second-class Labor Order (1996), and Third-class Labor Order (1985) by the Presidents of Vietnam.
Figure: HCMUTE received Second-class Independence Order (2012)

 2. Party committee

- From 2006 to 2009:UTE Party Committeewas recognized as “a Typical Transparent and Strong Party Cell,” in 2010 was recognized as “Transparent and Strong Party Cell with Good Duty Completion,” in 2011 recognizedas “Transparent and Strong Party Cell.”
- Furthermore, UTE Party Committee was awarded the Commendation Certificate of “Outstanding Achievement in 5 years 2004-2009 regarding developing new party members” by the People’s Committee of HCMC.

3. Trade union
- UTE Trade Union was awarded Second-class Labor Order (2005), Third-class Labor Order (2000) by the national President, and was awarded the flag of “Strong and Outstanding Trade Union”by the Trade Unionof Vietnam educationand HCMC Labor Union in 12 consecutive years.
- From the academicyear 2006-2007 to 2011-2011 UTE Trade Union was awarded “Competitive Flag for Strong and OutstandingUnit” by HCMC Labor Union. 
- In 2008 UTE Trade Union was awarded the Commendation Certificate for local trade union with outstanding performance in encouraging general workers and civil workers to support and participate in the “Creative working” movement and HCMC Contest of technical creativity.

4. Youth Union

- The Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union was awarded Third-class Labor Order (2004) by the national President. 
- The Youth Union received Commendation Certificate of the Central Committeeof the Ho Chi Minh Communist Union for excellent accomplishments in the academic years of2009-2010; 2011-2012; 2013 -2014; 2015-2016; scientific research from 2009 – 2014;exceptional performance in the “Young Communist” campaign – HCMC 2010 -2014; 
- Commendation certificates of the Executive Committee for universities, colleges, and vocational high schools: Consolation Prize in the First Olympic Contest of Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh’s Ideologyin 2012, Decision No. 492-QĐ/ĐUK dated October 27th, 2012.
- Commendation certificates of Chairman of the People’s Committee of Phu Yen Province in the voluntary campaign of Green Summer 2014.
- Set the Guinness Record for Vietnamese Youth Pride—A folk dance mob participated by the most students (broke the record). Decision No. 1794/KLVN/2016 dated March 26th, 2016.

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