Tác giả :

On 5th Feb 2018, Prof. Raphael Caire, from Grenoble INP, represented ESSENCE EU Consortium paid a visit to HCMUTE campus. The purpose of his visit is to investigate the current status of HCMUTE in general and the readiness for the development of Smart Energy System training program in specific. On receiving Prof. Raphael Caire, HCMUTE ESSENCE team conducted a detailed introduction presentation about the university, questions and answers on the project contents to sketch out the project implementation draft for better preparation. A brief campus tour was also offered to Prof. Raphael Caire for his clearer observation on the available facilities related to Smart Energy System field. The meeting was not only the chance for the very first talk between INP and HCMUTE, but also the opportunity for further understanding of both sides with much friendly sympathy. 

Before his departure to Hanoi University of Mining and Geology (HUMG) in Hanoi, Prof. Raphael did take notes and collect all the kernel information in order to later prepare for a report to ESSENCE Consortium in the ESSENCE Project Kick-off Meeting in the following week. Due to the coincidence of the planned Kick-off Meeting time and the Vietnam National Tet Holiday, both Vietnamese partners (HCMUTE and HUMG) could not make it to attend this meeting. However, the two Vietnamese partners received well the meeting notes kindly shared by the EU coordinator, Prof. Diana Zalostiba.

After the Kick-off meeting, ESSENCE project including HCMUTE developed, discussed on and finalized a set of survey questionnaires focusing on the three main groups (students, industries and academics). HCMUTE was assigned to translate the surveys into Vietnamese and together with HUMG conducted the survey on Vietnamese stakeholders. The survey results were later summarized by Prof. Raphael Caire, the leader of Work package No.1. 

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