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Over the past time, media agencies have regularly announced and warned of methods and tricks of criminals using high technology to defraud. However, the situation of cases of fraud and appropriation of property is increasing day by day, related to crimes using high technology in the area. Criminal activities are sophisticated and cunning, increasingly diverse in terms of methods and tricks.

In order to help university students have more information about new tricks of criminals, frauds of cybercrime, and avoid being seduced, manipulated, the school has had propaganda activities for students to equip them with necessary knowledge. On the morning of April 28, 2023, at Meeting Room 2, 6th Floor, Central Building, HCMUTE in cooperation with the City Police. Thu Duc organized the topic "Identifying new tricks of criminals and solutions to prevent" with the thematic report by Lieutenant Colonel Vo Thi Van Anh.

In the thematic report, Mrs. Van Anh presented a variety of tricks of the scammers and guided students on solutions to note, prevent and handle when encountering fraud cases.

After the program, the program survey results were highly appreciated by the students: the satisfaction level reached 100%; about the speaker's presentation (Good: 37.5%; Excellent: 62.5%) on the usefulness of the program reached 98.5%.

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