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In 2024, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education (HCMUTE) achieved a significant milestone in international collaboration and corporate engagement by signing numerous Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) with prestigious partners worldwide. These agreements highlight HCMUTE’s growing reputation in education, research, and innovation while creating valuable opportunities for students, faculty, and strategic partners.

Expanding Corporate Collaborations


HCMUTE established partnerships with leading corporations, organizations, and businesses, including Yaskawa Electric Vietnam, the Taiwan East New Alliance for Research-Academia-Industry Promotion (TEALA), Coretech Trading and Services, Japan Create, Cognex Vietnam, On Semiconductor Vietnam, Magma Foundry Technologies, Vietnam Suzuki, Thai Binh Investment Corporation, Duy Tan Plastics, Newtecons, Ricons, SOL E&C, and Boho Décor, among others.


HCMUTE signed an MOU with Japan Create Group


HCMUTE signed an MOU and received sponsorship from Vietnam Suzuki Co., Ltd.


HCMUTE signed an MOU with Japan Create Group


The university also expanded its collaborations in the semiconductor and microchip sectors, partnering with Knowledge Edge Vietnam, Marvell Vietnam, and Realtek Vietnam. These agreements focus on enhancing training programs, offering internship and employment opportunities, and fostering joint research and innovation projects to improve practical applications and workforce quality.

As a result of collective efforts by faculty, alumni, and the Corporate Relations Office, HCMUTE secured sponsorships totaling 12.6 billion VND. This funding supports scholarships, state-of-the-art equipment, software licenses, 710 learning accounts, academic competitions, recruitment programs, alumni networking events, and short-term professional training for students.


Students visited the Yaskawa i3-Mechatronics Laboratory sponsored by Yaskawa


HCMUTE students received scholarships sponsored by PetroVietnam Technical Services Corporation (PTSC)


Strengthening International Partnerships


HCMUTE also forged MOUs with renowned universities, including Griffith University (Australia), Mahasarakham University (Thailand), the Taipei university system (National Taiwan Ocean University, National Taipei University of Science and Technology, National Taipei University, and Taipei Medical University), Shandong Normal University (China), Ludong University (China), Shinawatra University (Thailand), and LILAMA 2 International Technology College.

A highlight of 2024 was the signing of an MOU between HCMUTE’s Acting President, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Le Hieu  Giang, and Prof. Sarah Todd, Vice President for Global Affairs at Griffith University, during the Vietnam - Australia Higher Education Collaboration Forum at the Australian National University (ANU) on March 8. Witnessed by Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh and Minister of Education and Training Nguyen Kim Son, this agreement marked a strategic milestone in HCMUTE’s international education initiatives.


HCMUTE signed an MOU with Griffith University (UK) witnessed by Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh and Minister of Education and Training Nguyen Kim Son


HCMUTE signed an MOU with Mahasarakham University (Thailand)


Advancing Education and Research


Beyond MOUs, HCMUTE organized diverse student and faculty exchange programs and launched multilateral research projects, strengthening teaching quality and expanding its international collaboration network. The university is committed to developing cutting-edge programs in engineering, technology, and innovation to meet the growing demand for skilled human resources in the digital transformation era.

A Strategic Leap in 2024

HCMUTE’s 2024 achievements represent a transformative step forward, reinforcing its reputation as a leader in education, research, and innovation. The MOUs symbolize the university’s rising prestige and serve as a solid foundation for its vision of becoming a regional hub for education and innovation.

With a forward-looking strategy, HCMUTE continues to expand its global network, elevate training quality, and promote sustainable values in education and research. These accomplishments affirm HCMUTE’s dedication to partnering with businesses and academic institutions to develop a highly skilled workforce, contributing to national and international development in an era of global integration.

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